Meet The Committee
Ruth Basden - Chair
I became more involved with Frodsham Transition Initiative in 2019 when the state of the planet was highlighted by people and events. The Earth is our common home and we must act urgently, making changes so that we live sustainably on this beautiful, but finite planet. I am a mother and grandmother and a (mostly retired) teacher of English and R.E.
Chris Cleaver - Treasurer
I joined FTI 6 years ago to help do something to fight climate change on a personal level and to influence others. It is obvious what we should do but very difficult without giving up lots of conveniences and pleasures we have grown used to. An easy step was to give up air travel, reducing driving is difficult, reducing meat consumption is difficult. I am trying to insulate my home to a high standard so renewable electric heating will not be too expensive. And wondering how we change society to appreciate a low carbon lifestyle
Christine Webber
I joined the group not long after Allan Arthur formed it, knowing we needed to take measures to address the climate emergency. I have a background in ecology, practical nature conservation and education and I am interested in community wellbeing. I helped develop Frodsham Sings into a thriving community choir and like to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency as well as promoting our natural community assets such as community woodlands and orchards.